Pahiyas 2010, Lucban, Quezon

If you dont have your own transpo, the 'fastest' way to go to Lucban, is get on a bus to Sta Cruz. At the Sta Cruz junction, take the jeep to Lucban. It is a big jeepney. This whole trip will take you at least 3 hours. Leave early as 5am if possible. Its always very hot on the month of May. You will better appreciate the house decors if it is not too hot.
Pahiyas is celebrated every May 15. It is the feast day of San Isidro Labrador. But I dont go there for the feast day but to look at the decorations of every participating house. It used to be purely kiping but now times has changed, they now incorporate local produce mostly palay and vegetables, and exotic plants.
Make sure you have a map of the participating streets so that you will be able to cover the area without criss crossing.
Food. This is always our problem. Most of the restaurants are full during Pahiyas. With the heat and so many people competing for the small chair at an air conditioned fast food, better to bring your own food. And if you are vegetarian, definitely bring your own food. This is a place for omnivores and longannisa addicts.
The reason I keep on coming back because Im hopeful that next year's decoration will be better than the last time I remembered. I'm hopeful. 2010 is a bit disappointing. Hopefully 2011 is way better.
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